About the Photographs
To avoid unauthorised reproduction, all photographs on this website are very low resolution reproductions of the of the high resolution originals. To further hinder unauthorised reproduction, copyright information has been embedded within the digital images.

The high resolution versions will be used for any prints which are purchased by clients.

Legal Stuff
Iain McLuckie is defined as the Photographer and owns the intellectual property rights and title of the Photographs reproduced on this website.

Iain McLuckie hereby asserts his right to be identified as the author of an artistic work (the Photograph(s)) in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All copyright in the Photographs shall be retained by the Photographer at all times, throughout the world.
Title to all Photographs remains with the Photographer at all times.
The Photographer grants a licence to the Client to use any purchased Photographs in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.